
100 Bible Verses that Made America


Bestselling author robert morgan explores 100 bible verses that powerfully impacted our leaders during defining moments in american history and reflects upon what these verses mean for us as a nation today.

100 bible verses that made america is a tour through the biblical roots of american history—a powerful exploration of our country’s founders, leaders, and the critical moments that laid the foundation for the formation of the usa. Had there been no bible, there would be no america as we know it. It is the bible that made america.

When george washington was sworn into office as our first president, he did not place his hand on the declaration of independence or the constitution of the united states, as important as those documents are. Instead, he swore upon and even kissed the bible to sanctify this important moment. The bible, washington knew, had ushered american history to this point.

While not every founding father was a christian, each was knowledgeable about the bible. And while none of them was perfect, many embraced a deep faith in the unfailing word of god.

384 pages


Bestselling author robert morgan explores 100 bible verses that powerfully impacted our leaders during defining moments in american history and reflects upon what these verses mean for us as a nation today.

100 bible verses that made america is a tour through the biblical roots of american history—a powerful exploration of our country’s founders, leaders, and the critical moments that laid the foundation for the formation of the usa. Had there been no bible, there would be no america as we know it. It is the bible that made america.

When george washington was sworn into office as our first president, he did not place his hand on the declaration of independence or the constitution of the united states, as important as those documents are. Instead, he swore upon and even kissed the bible to sanctify this important moment. The bible, washington knew, had ushered american history to this point.

While not every founding father was a christian, each was knowledgeable about the bible. And while none of them was perfect, many embraced a deep faith in the unfailing word of god.

384 pages